Written 10th April, 2020. By Rohilesh R. Singh, GAICD -Order of Merit, Leadership Coach
The quality of your life at home, your performance at work and your mental state is highly dependent on the quality of your mental chatter, i.e. your regular thoughts. Let me state this right up-front, an occasional positive self-talk (thought) is not enough to change a negative self-defeating mindset!
A comprehensive 2020 ExcelerateYou and Populis Pty Ltd survey of over 500 leaders, leadership students and professionals who attended a Roh Singh 'confidence and motivation' seminar highlighted that 'self-doubt' is the number 1 concern and barrier barrier to success.
If you ever found yourself lying in bed and having a conversation with yourself that sounds a little like ‘I'm not sure if I can do this job' or 'I don't want to go into work today'; or I...
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